Wednesday, August 17, 2005

the end of the sporting world

i am a big fan of pardon the interuption or "PTI" on ESPN. i love the lightning pace format and the mock-angry yelling of hosts tony kornheiser and michael wilbon.

today, i only caught the last 3 minutes, and i am still in shock at what i saw.

occassionally, one of the two (both columnists for the washington post)is off on assignment or vacation or whatever and some other columnist from another paper sits in. today's guest host: jason whitlock from the kansas city star. a man who's opinions are so biased and inane that they make hunter s. thompson read like john grisham.

not only is this guy the biggest idiot to ever get paid for writing nonsense, but he is completely unintelligable in person. there is a reason he is only a columnist...he can't talk! and he's on PTI? unleashed on an unknowing, national audience? what kind of reward for mediocrity is that?

maybe i should try to get on that show. i have limited sports knowledge, but at least i can form a sentence.


Blogger Mike Murrow said...

the sad thing is that now people will associate KC with J. Witless

8:15 PM  
Blogger Dale said...

My dad called me all in a frenzy today at 3:30pm MDT telling me that Jason was on PTI...he watches this show every day...I was forced to mow the lawn before an impending downpour, but I got the report later that it was indeed unwatchable...
I actually think he's a good writer, sometimes off base, but when given the time to think about what he's going to say, he's decent...but on the spot, on THAT's nothing but a train wreck
meanwhile...18 and counting

9:11 PM  
Blogger DJ Word said...

I actually enjoy watching him on Sports Reporters. He pisses Lupica off so much with his inane comments that it is wonderful tv.

This show is the best complete waste of time on TV. It is like Crossfire with sports writers.


6:35 AM  

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