Tuesday, March 07, 2006

am i the only one who sees this?

'cause if i am, please tell me. i want to know.

this is a banner week for racial "equality."

first this.

now this.

yeah, it's subtle. but being told i'm "(not) paying attention" because i didn't think about reddick and morrison being white doesn't sit well with me at all.

pat forde is an asshole.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I read the ESPN article before I saw the rest of your comment, and got caught on the same thing... "you must not be paying attention." Unbelieveable.
How about this, PAT. I'm not racist. I'm the biggest basketball fan, read ESPN/CBS more than my Bible (unfortunately), and I didn't even think about how they're both white until YOU brought it up.
I do believe there is strong racism in this country, but I also believe the more we make EVERYTHING about race, the more we "flaunt" it, the longer its going to stay around.
I think a better social commentary would have been 3 years from now, someone looks back and sees that the two player of the year candidates were white and says "Isn't it great that the fact they were both white was NEVER AN ISSUE". Thanks for ruining it, PAT.

9:33 AM  
Blogger cade said...


you finished my post for me. go figure.

8 days.

10:42 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"8 days" - and I will be on spring break to enjoy it. Sorry to rub it in.

By the way, Stacy will be in Boston Wednesday and Thursday for buisness meetings, although she won't have any free time.

11:53 AM  
Blogger Before Girl said...

I have to admit I only skimmed the espn article. But I did find this paragraph intriguing:

"This occurs at a time when today's college kids seem encouragingly unburdened by The Race Thing. There appears to be less obsessing over race, less distrust between races in today's youth, more melding of black and white music and dress and vernacular. That's societal progress. "

This is such BS. This is what people wish was going on. We are still hung up on race, still hung up on clothes, music and vernacular.

12:02 PM  
Blogger cade said...

bg- i don't know. i think he has a slight point about the kids today in that they do embrace a cross-racial viewpoint moreso than, say, 30 years ago. BUT it is still a gross generalization and not a fact by any means. and i am in no way defending him.

allow me to re-finish this part of that paragraph for mr. forde:

There appears to be less obsessing over race....EXCEPT for this article.

bri- tell stacy to have a good time and if she has even a little free time to call me. i need to go into the city at some point anyway. oh, and we will be in vegas, so enjoy your little spring break. ha.

1:30 PM  
Blogger Dones said...

An article obsessing about college students not obsessing about 'The Race Thing'...puh=leeze...Oh, nevermind, my comments have already been stated :)

9:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I saw an advertisement for the NAACP image awards. Are you kidding me?!?! Imagine if we tried to have the Anglo Saxon image awards. Who's racist?

10:47 AM  

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