Saturday, May 05, 2007

happy derby day

as you are all undoubtedly observing your own, personal moments of silence for last year's fallen champion, barbaro, i just wanted to take a moment to wish everyone a very happy derby day.

without getting too mushy, derby day has taken on a new meaning over the last couple of years.

it was derby day 2005 when a certain chemist visited the commonwealth, completely unaware of the potential "suckering" that was about to happen to her.

well, as an anniversary of sorts, tonight we are celebrating (as well as for my birthday, i suppose) by going to the BU campus to watch a tennis match featuring this player:

that's right, my hero has come out of retirement and we are going to see him play (not an exhibition, mind you, but a REAL champions league match) agains the gray fox...the incomparable john mcenroe.

that's right. sampras v. mcenroe.

needless to say...pumped.

wherever you are in this world, i pray that the weather is even HALF as gorgeous as it is today here in the bay state.

enjoy your weekend.


Blogger cade said...

hey thanks biby. it really means a lot that you took the time. i mean, in this day and age where we separate ourselves from each other in the name of speed and convenience (ie: the internet) it can be very difficult to make true, honest connections with people. i think it is cool when someone reaches out for the simple act of encouragement with no personal agenda or motive. it is really heartwarming to me to know that there are still genuine "connectors" out there.

peace to you, biby. keep on fighting the good fight.

5:19 AM  

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