Wednesday, June 21, 2006

a note to british (and american) youth

it is with great sorrow that i have noticed lately in my excursions through the streets of chester, england and (oddly) newark, delaware, your confusing penchant to wear collared (or "polo") shirts with the collar either partially or entirely "up."


seriously, it was hideous in the '80's it's even worse now.

you are not "cool."

you are not "hip."

you are hacks. hacks with horrible fashion sense and even worse sense of pop culture history.

here's a lesson:

-80's music = awesome

-80's fashion = embarassing

-the revival of "80's-inspired" music = welcome

-the revival of "80's-inspired" clothing trends = apocalyptic

class dismissed.

please for the love of peter, paul and mary, DO NOT go down this road. you are the youth of the world. make your own decisions. don't become an instant anachronism. you deserve better.

to your credit, i have yet to see any of you wear the completely unacceptable "double" polo with collar up that was viewed in the window of a boutique that will remain nameless. some things are better left un-advertized.

if you start tight-rolling your jeans...well, may God have mercy on your souls.

please. just stop. i am begging. and i don't like begging.


Blogger Mike Murrow said...

wow, so much for being culturally sensitive.

however, i would pay money to see you give this lecture to some random brit
on the street.

4:49 PM  
Blogger caramac said...

Here's the problem, though: somewhere out there, the fraternities of America are still teaching their young men that the collar-up polo shirt is cool (as is anything collared for that matter). We need to start at the source. I'll help you tackle this problem.
ha ha ha ha. love it.

8:59 PM  
Blogger cade said...

cutural sensitive, my tookis.

the first time i noticed this was in delaware (on the campus of UD, fyi cara). i sloughed it off to the fact that it was delaware. there is nothing "culturally sensitive" about being in delaware.

however, in england, it's terrifying. that means that it is a for-real movement.

i liken this to the winter of '96 when i was in london and everyone was talking about this "spice girls" thing. a few months later, they arrived in the u.s.

we all know how that turned out.

11:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"somewhere out there, the fraternities of America are still teaching their young men that the collar-up polo shirt is cool"

well, I can certainly tell you that it is NOT us young girls telling the guys to dress like that.....

9:30 AM  
Blogger leanne said...

Ugh, Cade, CLEARLY you just don't recognize prep when you see it.

I saw a girl yesterday who was SO PREP that even underneath her popped collar was the WORD "prep."

In case it was misunderstood just how prep she truly is.

11:42 AM  
Blogger Dones said...

Please do as the man says! We don't like it when he begs, either!

7:06 PM  
Blogger Before Girl said...

Actually, tight-rolling jeans was a godsend for us short people. We could wear jeans that were too long for us, but fit great around the waist, and tightroll the bottoms so as not to drag all raggedy and filthy like we do now.

6:34 AM  
Blogger g13 said...

that's also because wrigleyville derives its name from the largest gaybar in america.

12:12 PM  
Blogger AlexPope said...

pretty funny dude.

12:35 PM  

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