Wednesday, April 05, 2006

an attempt to be political

i've never really had a strong stance on the death penalty. but if i had to choose, i would probably be ag'in it. (as opposed to "fer it." grandpa simpson, anyone? no? ok. moving along.)

the reason i bring this up is i have more than one issue with this whole zacarais moussaoui as the sole face of the 9/11 terrorists-"let's kill the bastard" circus. i'm sure he's guilty of all of the plotting he allegedly did. though i admit to not following the trial much or knowing really what the evidence against him is. that is for his jurors to decide.

but, doesn't it seem less than practical to punish the man who was ready to die for his cause by flying a plane into the white killing him? wouldn't life in prison and daily visits by the local clergy be a better deterrent for those muslim-extremists who want to attack us? make him sit in his cell and read guideposts everyday. cause, correct me if i am wrong, but once that lethal cocktail stops his heart, he becomes the martyr he set out to be 5 years ago. something to be embraced by the people who hate us most.

am i wrong? it's okay if i am.


Blogger Mike Murrow said...

for sure dude. instead of 70 virgins we should keep the dude alive and make him watch reruns of 7th heaven and touched by an angel.

or would that be cruel and unusual?

3:02 PM  
Blogger kidpositive said...

i agree with you. i think 'highway to heaven' would be another good program for him to watch.

(and for getting political)...i also don't like the fact that many people are playing this thing up like this guy was solely responsible for 9/11, and that if he had given us the right information, we could have stopped it. from what i can tell, our government had a lot of information and clues to the attacks before they happened. i feel like a lot of people are trying to use him as a scapegoat. but i'm sure he doesn't mind...he's waiting for those virgins.

4:05 PM  
Blogger ahbahsean said...

Come on Mike, this week's 7th Heaven was top quality. First off, 75+% of it was filmed while the Camden's talked on their cellphones. THEN once again those scary twins talked in unison like the devil-possessed little spirits they are. It was cute when they were 3 but they are in school. If I were their school counselor I'd recommend padded walls. NOT. NORMAL.

4:09 PM  
Blogger Dale said...

from someone who's 'pro-death penalty' I'm against killing this dude. It's my belief that he's deliberately exaggerated his role in the planning and execution of the 9/11 terrorist attack, so that he WOULD be sentenced to death by the Islam-hating, evil, capitalist U.S. govt.

It would make him a martyr, which was his original intent as Cade pointed out. Lock him up...give him the Warden from Shawshank who'll surely 'cast him down to the sodomites'

5:46 PM  
Blogger Before Girl said...

I agree-killing a guy who is willing to die doesn't make any sense. I think that's half the problem with the whole Iraq war-we're running around killing people that are more than willing to strap on a backpack full of dynamite and step onto a loaded bus.

Keep him alive-make him watch MTV every day, eat McDonald's and listen to heavy metal (there have been a few studies indicating that for some reason, Muslims can't stand hard rock. More than just despise it-in some cases it's been enough to cause them to surrender). Make him wear jeans from the Gap and baseball caps and watch "Desperate Housewives" and "American Idol."

5:46 AM  
Blogger cade said...


4/7/06 - Courtroom observers and some jurors were shaken as they heard some of the victim-impact testimony.

An Nguyen was 4 years old when his father, Khang Nguyen, was killed at the Pentagon. Prosecutors showed a picture of An standing at the Pentagon gates a few days after the attack, looking for his dad.

"He became heartbroken, quiet," said An's mother, Tu Nguyen. "He didn't have enough words to express his feelings."

When An was told his dad was in heaven, An decided he wanted to become an astronaut, "so he can go into space and look for his daddy," she told the jury.

one word: sensational.

another word: ridiculous.

it's not a soap opera people. it's a capital conspiracy trial.


9:19 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In general, I think I'm against the death penalty for murderers. I don't think that something as permanent as death should be used for someone whose victim can no longer suffer. I think we should be using it for rapists and child molesters, though.

10:20 AM  

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