Wednesday, April 06, 2005

steriods is NOT the problem

(thanks muffin for the title)

according to an article today, the average baseball player's salary is at a paltry $2.6 million. up for the first time in 3 years.

read the article here.

finally, the salaries are going up. i was wondering what we had to do to get these guys some love. personally, i have been donating two cans of soup a month to the david-ortiz-must-eat fund. maybe he'll be able to get by on his own now.

as for the article, i was proud that my "29th richest out of 30 teams" KC royals were mentioned not once, but twice. who needs money when your team consistently 1985?

but, my favorite part is marquis grissom's stunning observation. the san francisco giants' outfielder had this to say:

"That means we're going in the right direction. When they go up, it's always good."

congratulations, marquis. you've just made my list of people who are an embarrassment to smart people.

do me a favor. stop talking to the media. in fact, don't talk to anyone. just drive your mercedes SUV from your mansion back to the ballpark and play the GAME that they're paying you millions to play. and while you're at it, how's bout you buy a house for a teacher or a fireman.

is that "right direction" enough for ya?


Blogger Dale said...

Professional sports is the only place where I openly advocate any form of socialism. But if you examine the 4 major sports in the U.S., football is by far the healthiest economically, and it's now the most popular sport. Basketball isn't far behind. Each of these sports has some kind of a salary cap.
Those sports who don't: Hockey (currently not operating) and Baseball where you have one team (NYYankees) spending more than four other teams combined.
Imagine trying to build a business where for every dollar you spent, your competitor got to spend 5. Oh, and everytime you developed a good selling product, your competitor came along and bought it from you. Yeah...and in the end, your job becomes to develop new products (talent) while your competitors wait and buy them up (long term contracts).

Judge from 'Billy Madison'

"What you just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it."

8:03 AM  
Blogger cade said...

i agree, but a salary cap can also be dangerous. i would hate it if all of the sudden teams had to trade thier top players just to make room. that's the one thing i HATE about football's cap.

but some compromise needs to be reached. because i doubt very seriously that there will be a mystical overhaul in players' minds and greed will take a back seat to passion...although that would be ideal.

8:34 AM  
Blogger Arthur said...

"congratulations, marquis. you've just made my list of people who are an embarrassment to smart people. "

i may have laughed out loud at my desk at work...

enjoy the clean path to the bathroom, Cade :)

9:26 AM  
Blogger g13 said...

concerning kc, where are the revenue sharing dollars going? perhaps if they invested more of their resources in their product, they might get better results.

baird, while talented, is no magician. the owners need to give him something to work with.

11:11 AM  
Blogger cade said...

i can't speak for where the revenue sharing is going. i don't know.

as for the owners, the sad truth is that once david glass bought the royals, he pumped a lot of money into the payroll....and they're STILL 29th.

kansas city fans are too stupid to figure out that "if you actually go to the games, they might make more money, and then be able to keep players in the long run."

11:21 AM  
Blogger molly said...

There exists another Royals fan? Can it be true? Do you sometimes insist in heated arguments that the Royals won the World Series not so long ago? And then realize the second it comes out of your mouth that it was two long, sad decades ago? Because I do.

Revenue sharing, the way it works right now, can't save our last-place team. We need more money, but we also need the Yankees and Braves and Red Sox and Dodgers (et al) to spend less of it. I don't know what the answer is. That's why I'm just a lowly fan.

5:57 PM  

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