Thursday, October 28, 2004

a disillusioned retraction?

so, maybe one curse does cancel another.

it is public knowledge that i carry a sports curse with me everywhere i go. teams that i root for are doomed to fall short of the prize. well, i recently carried that curse with me to the boston area. i published an open apology to the city and fans of boston upon my arrival. an apology that stated that their precious teams were about to suffer at the hand of "the curse of cade."

i apparently retract said apology. i openly un-apologize for the fact that i witnessed the first red sox world series title in 86 years. so, obviously "the curse of cade" has backfired and merely cancelled out the dreaded "curse of the bambino." i am quite literally in disbelief. i can't comprehend that the people running around in the street outside and honking their car horns are actually celebrating a championship. i mean, what the heck does that mean?

of course, that's the biggest reason for the retraction. all the patriots have done is win a measily 21 straight games. (not that i am rooting for them, but it's worth mentioning)

so, at 11:14 pm edt, last night, the sox were the ever-dangerous "5 outs" away from the championship. the moon was shaded in an eerie, red full eclipse. and i waited for the inevitable end of the world, because that seemed the only thing that could stop them from winning. 14 minutes later, it was over. and out into the street we ran.

a few hours and a multiple re-routed trip to my hotel (i'm actually working this week) later, i'm tired. i'm confused. and i silently wish that the jayhawks, chiefs and royals had some sort of curse that i could contradict. but, the real fun is going to be the training session that i get to do for 350 people at 9 am in the morning here at the hilton at boston's logan airport. a session for 350 people who will no doubt be up as long as, if not longer than i am and will more than likely opt to sleep in than come learn with us. the finest exercise in ironic futility.

all in all, congratulations red sox! simply unbelievable.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'd like to point out that thanks to the extremely talented trainers delivering said training session for 350 people, those people were awake and engaged. Or maybe it's because every time we saw them nodding off, we managed to work the words Red Sox or World Series into our delivery. But I prefer to think it's our talent. You agree, don't you??? (Humor me on this one...) ~lainie

6:45 PM  
Blogger cade said...

i don't know. i was asleep through most of the session.

9:41 PM  

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