Tuesday, October 28, 2008

an open letter to anyone who says they will move to canada if obama wins

every election, some angry person (or group of persons) threaten to do this. so far, to my knowledge, not a single one has made good on his/her promise.

do us all a favor and either come up with a more creative way to voice your disapproval of the other candidate (i hear calling him a "terrorist" is en vogue right now) or follow through by packing your bags and moving to saskatoon.

i'm sure that the lovely people of canada would be thrilled to add your ranting and raving to their collective national pride. you would most certainly be welcomed with open arms, your life would once again be perfect and your freedoms no longer threatened.

by all means, do whatever it takes to get away from the horrible atrocities that will surely befall the good ole u.s. of a. in the event of your candidate losing.

and while you're there, please remember to enjoy your "socialized" health care.



Blogger Agent B said...

Saskatoon. Nice.

7:55 PM  
Blogger Mike Murrow said...

just a few points.

1. nice.

2. i recommend "friendly Manitoba." greatest people ever. they really are friendly. but "toontown" as the kids up there called it - at least in my presence is also very nice. if not really boring.

3. on second thought, don't go to Canada. it is a great place with only about 30 million people. more people=bad.

4. there have been folks who actually left. NPR interviewed some of them. although they went to Rio. go figure.

5. this is like the good Christian folks a while back who wanted to move to South Carolina and then succeed from the nation. to which most people replied: God Speed.

10:01 PM  
Blogger Dones said...

I can understand Obama supporters going to Canada for nationalized medicine if McCain won, but it's kinda -- correction, it's very bass-ackwards to flee to a more socialized nation because you're afraid America will become too socialist under Obama.

I caught myself doing the same thing when I hollowly threatened to move to Germany if Bill Clinton won a second term in '96...

8:34 AM  
Blogger Marc said...

I said I would move out of MA if Duval Patrick won.

Do I get any credit for that?

P.S. I'm commenting from CT.

7:28 AM  
Blogger cade said...

sure marc, i'll mail you one credit.

hope all is well with you.

9:31 AM  
Blogger james said...

I revoke your credit because I know Deval becoming Gov wasn't the reason you moved.

christianexodus.org baby!!

8:50 PM  
Blogger Kellie said...

I know a family who actually moved to Mexico during Clinton's term. Well, kinda...they had their daughter who was pregnant at the time fly down to north of Cancun and deliver her baby there. So the child (who is now about 16) has dual-citizenship and can own property in Mexico.

It's the new version of NAFTA, we export our libs to Canada and our cons to Mexico and in return we get new immigrants!!

11:18 AM  
Blogger Marc said...

You can't revoke my credit! Cade is the one who gave it to me!

We had a condo that we were going to rent in Salem. We could have stayed.

Granted Deval wasn't the reason, but he was a reason.

How is he doing, by the way?

Oh, one more thing.

Before you vote tomorrow, take a peek at this:



9:29 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Caution: I'm dusting off my soap box.

Cade, I agree. It's just plain stupid. But it was just as stupid 8 and 4 years ago when people like Susan Surandon, Tim Robbins, Babs, et al said the same thing about Bush.
Speaking of which, I must say I'm sick of Hollywood (either side) using their "fame" to tell us what they think about politics. You are actors. Keep reading other people's lines.

Apologies to those of you that think Obama will "fix" America, but the system is too far broken to be fixed. You know how Congressmen/women have their "golden parachute" where regardless of how long they've served (could just be one term) they get health benefits and SALARY for the rest of their lives? That was inacted so that politicians wouldn't be tempted by bribes/kickbacks/lobbyist money. How's that working out?

For those that support the Democrats, they now control the White House, Senate and House. What will the excuses be in 4 years when Health Care, Education, Social Security, the deficit, and an enormously large government still aren't fixed? You realize it's in their best interests NOT to fix things so they can campaign on those issues in 2 years, right?
Works that way for both sides.

Finally, if you want to see what our government looks like, look back to the last few years of the Roman Empire when they were spread all over the world, were full of corrupt politicians, and were completely divided on all issues.

Enjoy your day :)

8:01 PM  
Blogger james said...

Marc - On Deval. I'm not thrilled with him. He's been hit and miss as a gov and am genuinely interested in seeing what the opposition candidates have to offer in a few years (assuming he's not tapped for a position in the new admin.)

Dave - I think I agree with much of what you have to say, albeit if progress is not made in two years on the issues listed, i believe there will be unrest. I would guess this would not play out well in their re-election bid.

All things considered, the Republicans enjoyed 6 years in party control. Where did we go on any of those issues you listed? I think that's part of the reason voters were more keen on something new.

That, and the fact that Palin scared the crap out of many.

4:46 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

James, don't get me wrong. I'm not defending the Republicans. They made a mess of things. And the Dems taking control 2 years ago hasn't helped either. I'm pretty much frustrated by the entire political landscape. And it has nothing to do with Obama being elected. I just don't think anyone can fix Washington. Sure, some issues may be addressed (I hope), but the things that actually need to be fixed with Washington (not the country) will never be addressed because it's not in the politicians best interests. It may be in the country's best interest (line item veto, no special interest groups money, restrictions on the golden parachute, shrinking the size of the federal gov't, etc) but those things will never be fixed and I believe our gov't will grow increasingly large until it just implodes, like a bad 80s drummer.
I'm an "old school" Republican. I believe that power and action should take place at a local and state level and that our federal gov't should be as small as possible. That's how Republicans used to think...Bush definitely went the other way.
On Palin, I'll admit I like her, although know very little about her. Which part scared you? Her lack of experience? Because that's what scares me about Obama. They both have as much political experience as George Bush did. Have we ever before elected Presidents with less than 4 years of elected office like Bush and Obama?

7:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, and how cool would it be to go back to the old way of electing Presidents and Vice Presidents... several candidates run (multiples from the same party). The person getting the most votes wins President, the person getting the second most votes gets Vice President.

7:11 PM  

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