Tuesday, January 25, 2005

life, as seen at 450 mph

last night i had a beautiful realization. that is, that despite this weekend's 36 hour delay, and the countless times that i have been stranded, screwed over or left for dead by every major airline in america, i love flying.

there is nothing like sitting at my window seat, staring at the passing landscape, listening to whatever music is ruling my world at the moment and just letting the inspired ideas and images flow into my head and out onto the little marble notepad i never leave home without. most of these ideas do nothing for me in the light of the next day, when my feet are back on the ground and the silence has given way to the chaos of life. but, occassionally one will stick.

nothing stuck last night as i finally made my way across the northern sky at 36,000 ft from boston to chicago and then on to san antonio. but it is the fact that i am rarely as content and rested as i am when i can just sit there in the dark, listen to the music i love, write out whatever comes into my uncluttered mind and completely tune out the rest of the world. it is forced concentration and and i absolutely cherish it.

never saw that one coming.


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